Biofilm Control to Improving Patient Dentition and Health


4 August 2020 by Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.

Recent research sheds new light and focus on biofilm as an impediment to overall oral and systemic health. In this Dental Talk podcast with Dr. Phil Klein, international speaker, innovator, researcher and writer Susan Wingrove, RDH, BS reveals how dentists can best meet the challenge of protecting their patients’ dentition, implants and restorations from biofilm-induced inflammation by using the latest products, technologies and techniques to move their practices to biofilm-focused dental care.

Register now for Susan Wingrove’s
September webinar “Passion on Paper.”


Visit Ivocarvivadent.comfor more information
on our wide range of dental products.

You can schedule an in-office demo
through theIvoclar Vivadent Rep Finder.

التحكم في اللويحات الجرثومية الحيوية لتحسين  صحة الأسنان و الصحة العامة :

4 آب 2020 بواسطةIvoclar Vivadent ، Inc.

تلقي الأبحاث الحديثة ضوءًا جديدًا وتركز على اللويحات الجرثومية التي تشكل عائقا في تحقيق صحة الفم و الصحة العامة . في هذه المحاضرة تقدم الدكتورة  Susan Wingroveشرحا عن هذا الموضوع .


 Register now for Susan Wingrove’s
September webinar “Passion on Paper.”


Visit Ivocarvivadent.comfor more information
on our wide range of dental products.

You can schedule an in-office demo
through theIvoclar Vivadent Rep Finder.